- Install Forge (client) 1.10.2 installer-win from https://files.minecraftforge.net/ - Run forge profile (to automatically generate minecraft/mods directory) - Place optifine in %appdata%/.minecraft/mods/ - Run forge again (to automatically generate shaders directory) - Place SEUS-v11.0 into %appdata%/.minecraft/shaderpacks/ - Place both [1.10] R3D CRAFT resource packs into %appdata%/.minecraft/resourcepacks/ - Run forge - open options -> resource packs - select both [1.10] R3D CRAFT in the following order * [1.10] R3D CRAFT 256x POM * [1.10] R3D CRAFT 256x * Default - open options -> video setting -> shaders... - select SEUS-v11.0.zip - make sure Normal Map is On - open Shader Options... - open Surface Options - Make sure Texture Resolution is set to 256 - Make sure Parallax Occlusion Mapping is On